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Victoria’s Victorious Vocal Exercise Program


How Much Practice Do I Need?  Here’s the minimum that everyone can do!

I can always tell when someone practices correctly vs. practices incorrectly or not at all!

Why? Because everyone who practices correctly improves!!  (Duh…)

Those who don’t practice correctly do not improve because they are just reinforcing the same old or bad habits!  Practice begins with the proper warm up, followed by targeted exercises that focus on your particular needs.

If you are serious about your voice, practice 6 days a week for a MINIMUM of ten minutes.

Did I say 10 minutes?  Yes, as a minimum!

Get in the habit of training your voice as part of your regular routine.  Even just 10 minutes a day can get you into better habits if you practice properly.  Of course, more time would be better, but everyone can find 10 minutes!  Be sure to apply the technique in your exercises to your song, and you can make your song into an exercise.

Please don’t just jump into your song, and I don’t count singing in the car as practice.  You will always hear me repeat over and over: The exercises are what build and train the voice. 10 minutes minimum!  Everyone can do this if they desire!

My YouTube videos give you a lot of technique and exercises that you can use daily.  Do not train incorrectly!